“What is the best programming language?”
Yeah, i know several programmer arguing about that. I’m actually an ordinary programmer that learn 3 or 4 language but not mastered any of it. But how i know what is the best programming language and write this article? I just doing some research and also find some funny post in Instagram that encourage me to do this. Everyone has their own opinion, and frankly, it’s all completely subjective based on the coding one enjoys.
Based on my research, there are 10 programming language that popular in this year, it based on the number of jobs opening and the money you can make by learning that language. Here is what i found,
I don’t know why they include SQL in this list, because we know that SQL is not a programming language, it’s like a query language, that allow users to draw the database. But, in this article, i will discussing the top 5 language; Python, JavaScript, Java, C and C++
Python is the most popular programming language, because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. The other reason is, many developers, data scientists, software engineer even a hacker love it, because of its abundant libraries, various frameworks, vast collections of modules, and file extentions. Although it’s a high-level language and can do complex tasks, Python is easy to learn and has a clean syntax. Therefore, its recommendable for both beginners and experienced programmers.
No one can deny the extent of Python’s success, not just on web applications but also in internet development. The technological advancement brought by Python applications and products changed the way we build and design things. For example, Python web frameworks (e.g., CherryPy, Django, Flask, etc.) provide developers extensive libraries and modules which makes their work easier. It speeds up content management, database access, error tracking, function-call mapping, profiling, data authorization, and other crucial processes. Because of its compatibility with multiple systems and platforms, Python’s popularity is most evident on application development.
Python is living up to its name when it comes to cybersecurity fierceness. With powerful third-party libraries (e.g., Nmap, Yara, Requests, etc.) to choose from, it can respond to security threats faster than other languages. For example, it can run a penetration test on web application and can detect system breaches which is helpful for IT security professionals. You can even build an impenetrable application using its strong typing script, rapid prototyping and iteration, and digital forensic capabilities to avoid cyber exploitation caused by hackers.
Mostly, as a web developer, you must learning the JavaScript. There’s a day when my friends saying they are a web developers, i ask them, “What’s the proof that you are a web developer? What programming language you use to create an interactive website?” And they respond “I have learn HTML and CSS, i have create a website with these two”. If it’s not my friends, i really want to punch them, for real. They really think that HTML is a programming language.
I hope y’all really know that HTML is not a programming language. The real programming language that commonly use to create a website is JavaScript. In simple terms, JavaScript is a programming language used to make websites interactive. If you think about the basic makeup of a website, you have HTML, which describes and defines the basic content and structure of the website, then you have CSS, which tells the browser how this HTML content should be displayed — determining things like color and font. With just HTML and CSS, you have a website that looks good but doesn’t actually do much. JavaScript brings the website to life by adding functionality. JavaScript is responsible for elements that the user can interact with, such as drop-down menus, modal windows, and contact forms. It is also used to create things like animations, video players, and interactive maps.
Nowadays, JavaScript is an all-purpose programming language — meaning it runs across the entire software stack. The most popular application of JavaScript is on the client side (a.k.a FrontEnd), but since Node.js came on the scene, many people run JavaScript on the server side (a.k.a BackEnd) as well. When used on the client side, JavaScript code is read, interpreted, and executed in the user’s web browser. When used on the server side, it is run on a remote computer. JavaScript isn’t only used to create websites. It can also be used to build browser-based games and, with the help of certain frameworks, mobile apps for different operating systems. The creation of new libraries and frameworks is also making it possible to build BackEnd programs with JavaScript, such as web apps and server apps.
So, why i must learn JavaScript? The most obvious reason for learning JavaScript is if you have hopes of becoming a web developer. Even if you haven’t got your heart set on a tech career, being proficient in JavaScript will enable you to build websites from scratch a pretty useful skill to have in today’s job market!
Yes, finally, we discuss about this famous programming language. I also find some forum in the internet and meme about this language (as we know, internet is undefeated). There’s bunch of people saying that Java is the most “useful” programming language because its compatible most of all system, even for an operating system. But, i also find a guy share this meme,
But, here is some word from expert that why we should learn Java.
Java evolved from the languages C and C++, which are also still widely used today. While Java shares some functionalities with C and C++, it has evolved into a much more beginner-friendly language. For example, Java handles many of the tedious, complex tasks such as memory management and pointers, making it easier to write and run for new programmers.
Java brings an Object Oriented approach to programming, which allows even the newest Java developers to start modeling the world around them in code, and thinking like a developer.
Object oriented programming also makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code, meaning that even beginner programs can begin to work on enterprise projects.
While Java is sometimes criticized for being verbose and inflexible, these traits can actually benefit new programmers. Because Java is checked for errors before running, new developers are less likely to come across unknown runtime errors. Additionally, Java forces developers to define all aspects of their code carefully, leaving less room for errors as programs grow.
Java is used for the Internet of Things and APIs, in big data technologies, e-commerce websites, high frequency financial trading platforms, and scientific applications. As mentioned, Java powers Android, which is the most widely used operating system on earth. It’s the brains behind Gmail, and is even in the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Many aspiring software developers want to learn the newest, hottest technologies. However in such a fast-paced, evolving industry, you don’t want to spend time and money learning a language that will be outdated in a few years. With more than 20 years of breadth and depth of use, Java will undoubtedly remain in demand for the generations to come.
Additionally, after you learn Java, learning other languages becomes much quicker and easier. This is why Java is often the core programming language taught in many university Computer Science (CS) programs throughout the world. While the first language you choose to learn doesn’t necessarily dictate the language you’ll specialize in forever, making an informed and strategic decision will set you up for immediate and long-term success.
C is also a popular language to use nowadays, because we still need it to learn about how a system work, because C was mainly developed as a system programming language to write operating system. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style, these features make C language suitable for system programming like operating system or compiler development.
People also wondering on what is the benefit to learn C? Let’s say you play a shooting game with manual aim. Once you learn how to shoot efficiently with manual aim, you could easily playing the same game with auto aim. Similarly, if a person learns C programming first, it will help him to learn any modern programming language as well. As learning C help to understand a lot of underlying architecture of operating system. Like, pointers, working with memory locations etc.
GeeksforGeeks show us some reason on what is the advantage learning C programming,
- C is a Middle-Level Language.
The middle-level languages are somewhere between the Low-level machine understandable assembly languages and High-Level user friendly languages.
Being a middle-level language, C reduces the gap between the low-level and high-level languages. It can be used for writing operating systems as well as doing application level programming. - Helps to understand the fundamentals of Computer Theories.
Most of the theories related to computers like Computer Networks, Compiler Designing, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems are based on C programming language and requires a good knowledge of C programming if you are working on them. In the modern high level languages, the machine level details are hidden from the user, so in order to work with CPU cache, memory, network adapters, learning C programming is a must. - Fewer Libraries.
C programming language has fewer libraries in comparison with other high-level languages. So, learning C programming also clears programming concepts to a great extent as you have to write lot of things from scratch. You will not be dependent on the programming language entirely for implementing some basic operations and implementing them on your own will also help you to build your analytical skills. - C is very fast in terms of execution time.
Programs written and compiled in C executes much faster than compared to any other programming language.
C programming language is very fast in terms of execution as it does not have any additional processing overheads such as garbage collection or preventing memory leaks etc.
The programmer must take care of these things on his own. - Embedded Programming.
C is extensively used in Embedded Programming.
Embedded Programming is also referred to as micro-controller programming, where C program is used to control micro-controllers.
Micro controllers and embedded programming is widely used in auto-motives, Robotics, Hardware ,etc
I used to learn C++ at freshman year in college. I like the syntax on calling the input and also the simple print. But, i leave it because i need to learn other programming language for my study. C++ is known to be a very powerful language. C++ allows you to have a lot of control as to how you use computer resources, so in the right hands its speed and ability to cheaply use resources should be able to surpass other languages. Thanks to C++’s performance, it is often used to develop game engines, games, and desktop apps. Many AAA title video games are built with C++.
Since C++ is rather lower level, the language is huge and you will need to handle a lot of complex things such as memory management and more. You also need to write a lot of code before you can get a working prototype if you’re planning on building an app from scratch. Since it will be difficult to grasp how all features in C++ works, you can easily shoot yourself in the foot.
As such, since it’s easy for a coding beginner to go astray when learning C++, we strongly recommend learning C++ with a mentor. In addition, C++ has a longer history with game development in general, so there are a lot of proven good practices a C++ mentor from the gaming community can teach you.
As a statically typed language, C++ is generally more performant than dynamically typed languages because the code is type-checked before it is executed. Java is gaining ground in terms of speed, but in the end, depending on how talented the C++ developer is, C++ can still be faster than Java.
C++ needs a lot of code, which means you need a large team to scale a C++ app, and from a time and financial investment point of view, C++ not easy to scale. Also, since you have to do a lot of things manually with C++, it’s easy for less experienced or less skilled developers to introduce errors into the code base. Java was developed because so many professional developers were making mistakes, so in terms of talent-recruiting, a very skilled and experienced C++ developer may be hard to find and also expensive to afford, which is why C++ is not so scalable.
That’s all my thought on “What is the best programming language?”. I telling y’all that mostly i do some research to build this article, so there is a lot of similarity from this article compare to others. I hope y’all enjoy this article and hopefully help you to answer the same question. See you soon.