Eso-lang, a “weird” language of programming.Most languages know some programming languages like Python, Java, Javascript, or C. Well if you new to this, u can read my article about…Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
How do our tech habits affect the environment?Well, most Social Media right now is about saving the environment by deleting some old Emails from any platform. But is it affect the…Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Why people choose UI/UX(Designer) rather than Developer?Spoiler Alert, this article may offend some people, so if you are the one, please don’t read it. But, if you are curios about it, please…Jul 22, 2021Jul 22, 2021
Another job that Computer Science graduate capable of.Well, just like the title, i will continue my research about all job that Computer Science graduate capable of. For you who want to know…Jan 21, 2021Jan 21, 2021
What kind of job do a computer science graduate capable of?Mostly, people always think that a Computer Science(CS) graduate will always be an Software Engineer or Android Developer. But, since i…Oct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
“What is the best programming language?”Yeah, i know several programmer arguing about that. I’m actually an ordinary programmer that learn 3 or 4 language but not mastered any of…Oct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020
Evaluasi singkat aplikasi radio pada smartphoneArtikel ini berhubungan dengan artikel sebelumnya terkait pengembangan aplikasi Radio DelFM…Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
Mengenal Aplikasi DelFM melalui Evaluasi singkatDel FM adalah aplikasi pemutar siaran pada radio modern yang merupakan aplikasi besutan Radio Del FM buatan Yayasan Del. Aplikasi ini…May 9, 2020May 9, 2020
Menjelajahi tampilan/desain pada SpotifySiapa yang tidak kenal dengan namanya Spotify. Aplikasi pemutar musik global yang dapat digunakan secara online atau pun offline ini…Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
“Apa yang harus dilakukan pertama kali?”Pada kehidupan sehari-hari, seorang desainer tentunya memerlukan perancangan awal terhadap segala sesuatu yang ingin dia ciptakan…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020